Chiropractic therapy is known as the type of therapy in which the hands are used to manipulate the spine or other parts of the body, according to NIH. Quite often, it is used for back pain, neck pain, headaches, hand or foot problems and to improve someone’s overall health.
Originating in 1895, it’s a type of alternative medicine performed via the work of hands, exercise, heat and ice as well as relaxation techniques. It is practiced not only throughout the United States, but also all over the world. But how did it all actually begin?
The History of Chiropractic Therapy
Daniel David Palmer, a self-educated healer and teacher, accidentally discovered chiropractic over 100 year ago. Interestingly, he agreed to examine a gentleman who had suddenly become deaf 17 years prior. The man noted that he became deaf at the same time he felt something adjust awkwardly inside his back. Palmer’s diagnosis? A displaced vertebra. Once he made the “adjustment,” the man’s hearing improved.
From there, Palmer went on to found the Palmer School of Chiropractic in 1897 in downtown Davenport, Iowa. He taught his methods to some of the very first chiropractors in the world. In 1913, Kansas became the first state to license chiropractic practice. By 1931, a total of 39 states had given chiropractors legal recognition.
However, there were quite a few hiccups. Before the 1960s, chiropractors still faced challenges. In fact, practicing without a license could send them straight to jail. Louisiana was the final state to recognize and license chiropractic, but they finally came around in 1974.
Chiropractic Therapy’s Battle for Acceptance
Often, when something appears “unconventional,” pushback occurs. This has certainly been the case with chiropractic. Even during Palmer’s time, the medical community did not immediately embrace his chiropractic theories and techniques. Still today, many question its legitimacy and effectiveness. How could the spine affect the body in such drastic ways? What could an “adjustment” cure that medication cannot? The questions continue to flow.
Much like anything, people tend to push back on what they don’t understand. The same is true for the medical community. Since they weren’t necessarily trained in spinal manipulation, it can be difficult for them to understand the concept. And, of course, medical doctors don’t really appreciate outsiders invading their “turf.”
Chiropractic Therapy Today
Today, there are more than 70,000 active chiropractic licenses in the United States. Of course, this doesn’t take into account the number of licences that are active worldwide. Additionally, chiropractic therapy is an important component of the US healthcare system. Because of Palmer, chiropractic therapy is a successful alternative medicine. It is slowly continuing to gain more traction in the medical, legal, and patient communities. As research continues, we expect to see even more beneficial results.
From lessening pain in the back to reliving headaches, chiropractic therapy is useful for all ages. When performed correctly, it can align the body and provide a healthier way of living for some. But what has now transformed into alternative medicine is an absolute “must” for many and their quest for health.