Do you know that Steve Wozniak, Henry Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Alfred Hitchcock are all engineers? For a list of the well-known engineers, read on….
What would happen if there were no multi-storeyed buildings? Would it be possible to accommodate a billion plus world population? Now, imagine a world without any means of transportation or communication. No automobiles, railways, telephones, ships, nothing. Can’t even think of it right? Engineers, people who designed the first tunnel, the first bridge, the first skyscraper and the first railways, have made all these things so commonplace that it’s hard to even think of the times when these inventions were not there.
Although, there are some engineers who did not practice engineering, but still made a name for themselves in other fields such as film-making, politics, business, etc. Among such people is filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock, who is an engineer and so is the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. In fact, Osama Bin Laden is a qualified engineer too! Let’s find out, by looking at the lists of famous civil, mechanical and electrical engineers.
Famous Civil Engineers
- Marcus Agrippa
- Yasser Arafat
- John Dinkeloo
- Othmar Ammann
- Peter W. Barlow
- Francis Drake
- John Fowler
- Alexandre Gustave Eiffel
- Sanford Fleming
- James Henry Greathead
- Theodore Judah
- William Jessop
- James Brindley
- Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri
- William Jessop
- Sir Joseph Bazalgette
- Milton H. Freeman
- William Henry Barlow
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel
- Buckminster Fuller
- Giovanni Cassini
- Sir George Buchanan
- Thomas Hawksley
- William Tierney Clark
- Eugene Freyssinet
- Sir William Halcrow
- George Washington Goethals
- Henry Barnes
- Octave Chanute
- John Wolfe-Barry
- William Cubitt
- Thomas Bouch
- Benjamin Baker
- Clifford Milburn Holland
- William LeMessurier
- Herbert Hoover
- Otto Mohr
- Tung-Yen Lin
- John Rennie
- Ferdinand de Lesseps
- Joseph Locke
- Jair Lynch
- Charles Meik
- William Barclay Parsons
- John MacAdam
- James Morgan
- Osama Bin Laden
- Ralph M. Parsons
- Sir John MacNeill
- Thomas Meik
- Christian Menn
- Patrick Meik
- Samuel Morton Peto
- George Stephenson
- John Augustus Roebling
- Thomas Telford
- Pierre Emmanuel Tirard
- George Washington Roebling
- Stephen Timoshenko
- Ole Singstad
- Clay W. Willis
- John Smeaton
- Fritz Todt
- Eduardo Torroja
- A. Baldwin Wood
- James Walker
- Robert Louis Stevenson
- Robert Stephenson
- Boris Yeltsin
Mechanical Engineers
- Pierre Bezier
- Henry Laurence Gantt
- Henry Ford
- Alexander Calder
- Beulah Louise Henry
- Samuel Bentham
- Karl Benz
- Yuan Cheng Fung
- Jimmy Carter
- John Josiah Guest
- Emile Gagnan
- Joseph Bombardier
- Louis Charles Breguet
- Jacques Cousteau
- Rudolf Diesel
- Abraham Louis Breguet
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
- John H. Sununu
- Frederick Lanchester
- Andrew Meikle
- Joseph Jaggers
- Elijah McCoy
- August Horch
- William John Macquorn Rankine
- James Morgan
- Ferdinand Porsche
- Bill Nye
- Joseph Whitworth
- Dr. Victor Szebehely
- Alfred H. Rzeppa
- Ernst Alexanderson
- Eli Whitney
Electrical Engineers
- Alexander Graham bell
- Scott Adams
- Edwin Armstrong
- Lee DeForest
- Rowan Atkinson
- William Coolidge
- Karlheinz Brandenburg
- John Wolfe Barry
- J. Presper Eckert
- Ray Dolby
- George de Mestral
- Amar Bose
- Seymour Cray
- Michael Bloomberg
- Emile Baudot
- Thomas Edison
- Edward Porter Felt
- Reginald Fessenden
- Ralph Hartley
- Bernhard Goetz
- Oliver Heaviside
- William Hewlett
- Bill Joy
- Huang Ju
- Herbert Kroemer
- Eric Laithwaite
- Jay Forrester
- Augustin-Jean Fresnel
- Jack Kilby
- Guglielmo Marconi
- Li Changchun
- Hedy Lamarr
- John Mauchly
- Arthur Nielsen
- Jiang Zemin
- Grace Hopper
- Kenneth Olsen
- David Packard
- Mihajlo Pupin
- Hyman Rickover
- Julius Rosenberg
- T.J. Seebeck
- Claude Shannon
- Charles Proteus Steinmetz
- Nikola Tesla
- Elihu Thomson
- Milan Vidmar
- Steve Wozniak
- George Westinghouse
- Zhu Rongji
- Konrad Zuse
- A.K. Erlang
- P.A.M. Dirac
Among these important people in history is Nikola Tesla, who designed the induction motor, wireless communications system, electronic remote control, and compressors. George Westinghouse, Jr., founder of the Westinghouse Electric Company, which formed the world’s first long distance electrical distribution system. Octave Chanute who designed a rapid mass transportation system in place of horse-driven carriages, which were used earlier in New York. Famous leaders like Boris Yeltsin, Herbert Hoover, and Zhu Rongji mentioned in this list are engineers too.
Although they are better known as premiers of countries of the Soviet Union, United States of America, and China respectively. So in the end it can be concluded, that whichever field that these engineers might have chosen to work in, their contributions to the world and humanity have made them unforgettable.